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The Peace Institute

Interfaith & Social Justice

Muslim Social Services

Muslim Social Services

Social services

Islam Relief

Disaster relief

Ibrahim & Mariam

Youth programs


The Muslim Business Professional Association


Zakat Assesment & Collection Agency 

Get Real Get Islam

Truth and facts

10 Minutes with The Quran

Highlights of the Quran

101 Muslim American Stories

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Islam around the world

Stories & news from around the world

Race in America

Interfaith Dialogue

Faith & Society

A dialogue between religious leaders

Spain & Turkey Trips

Interfaith trips

Open Mosque Invitational

Visit local Mosques

Malcolm X day of Service

EventBrite Free Event

The Pursuit of Peace

Introduction to Islam

Consulting Services

It is paramount in our diverse world that we are aware of the cultural differences and elements affecting different members of the community to avoid unnecessary backlash and attention from an incident that could have been avoided if proper training was administered.

With this perspective in mind, American Islam is offering training resources for your organization about the Muslim community, its traditions and practices. Our program is designed to bring better understanding of this diverse community and help alleviate any misconceptions, stereotypes and misunderstandings that can arise if employees of your company/organization encounter Muslim customers.

American Islam is a non-profit, educational entity dedicated to dispelling stereotypes and misconceptions about Islam and Muslims.

In the pursuit of this effort, American Islam has developed training programs to help eradicate the elements of misinformation and misunderstanding in the public for the last 20 years. As the global village gets smaller, it is more essential than ever to focus on a path of knowledge and dialogue to solve the ailments of our world.

The training program is offered to the following service oriented industries:

  • Education
  • Hospitality & Tourism
  • Law Enforcement
  • Health care Services
  • Chaplaincy Services
  • Corporate
  • Food Services

If you have any questions or if you are interested in having our training

services for your staff, please feel free to reach us at your convenience.


“I am glad you had the Islamic Society visit the class. I must confess that I was ignorant of many of their customs and now I know a little more about them.”

Valencia Community College Student

“Very informative. Allowed me to clear up stereotypes that I had about Muslims and the Islamic Religion.” 

Military Counselor from Patrick Air Force Base

“As a veteran of foreign combat, I have personally experienced the hatred and malice of extremist terrorists. For a long time, my opinion of Muslims was clouded, and I often looked at Muslim-Americans with distrust and suspicion. But after the field trip and reading this article, I learned just how similar the views of Muslim-Americans are with my own. They too were betrayed by the terrorists in these attacks, if not more so than I was. By teaching and practicing religious tolerance, and sharing an understanding of the differences between terrorists and Muslim-Americans, I believe faith can one day be restored in the local Muslim community.

Valencia Community College Student

“There’s a lot of confusion and misconceptions about the Muslims’ religion and culture and it is nice to see people take time to try to straighten things out. I thought that they were very good speakers and didn’t try to preach or convert anyone. It was very interesting and informative. I really enjoyed it.”

Stetson University Student

“The speakers from our class were awesome I felt that all of our questions were answered, and I obtained a great amount of knowledge about the Islamic religion.” 

UCF Student

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